The recognition of scientific degrees issued by a foreign higher education institution falls within the authority of those Hungarian higher education institutions which are entitled to offer PhD training and award scientific degrees in the field of study testified by the foreign degree. During this procedure the higher education institution examines whether the degree issued abroad is equivalent to a PhD or DLA degree obtainable in Hungary. The nostrification is done by the university chosen by the applicant, it is not a prerequisite to have the level of the qualification recognised. (Nevertheless, it is possible to request the recognition of the level testified by the foreign scientific degree from the Hungarian ENIC. See documents required for the recognition below.)
If an international agreement stipulates so, the Doctoral Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences decides on the nostrification of scientific degrees. The degrees of "Candidate of Science" obtained abroad may be considered here.
The recognition of a degree can be requested by anyone who certifies his/her personal particulars and Hungarian residence when handing in the application. In lack of a Hungarian residence the recognition procedure cannot be started. If you need recognition because you want to practice your profession, you must request the recognition of both the level of qualification and the professional qualification testified by your degree from the Hungarian Equivalence and Information Center. The recognition of the level of qualification is always the prerequisite for the recognition of professional qualification.
For the recognition of degrees acquired in basic or postgraduate training the following documents should be attached to the request:
The attested copy of the original degree.
The attested copy of the original registration book (certificate on the length of studies and study requirements - regulation of studies and examinations - issued by the education institutions).
The authentic translations of the above documents. Except of documents in English, Czech, French, German, Russian, Romanian and Slovak, in the case of which typed, not authentic translations are also accepted (e.g. done by the applicant).
In the case of degrees acquired at postgraduate education, or a degree testifying the acquisition of a second-cycle qualification obtained in a multiple-cycle higher education system (e.g. a Master's degree), the copy of the basic degree and - if needed - its authentic translation.
The copy of the money transfer postal order certifying the posting of the fee.
If you send your request by mail, the copy of your personal particulars and of the official certificate testifying address.
An authorization must be handed in if an authorized person represents the applicant. In this case the copy of the applicant's personal particulars and the official certificate testifying address must also be attached.
The recognition of professional qualification certifies that the holder of the degree possesses the qualification testified by the foreign degree and the basic knowledge necessary for acquiring similar professional qualification in Hungary. During this procedure the applicant's complete professional activity is evaluated.
The conditions for recognizing professional qualification are that the Hungarian Equivalence and Information Center recognizes the level of qualification and the holder of the degree fulfils possible supplementary condition/conditions (e.g. aptitude test, additional examinations, preparing diploma thesis). If HEIC's recognition is conditional, the resolution also contains recommendation on the fulfilment of conditions (place, means, deadline).
Similarly to the recognition of the level of qualification, two types of requests may be handed in to HEIC: you either specify which Hungarian professional qualification you want to have the professional qualification testified by your degree recognised as, or you assign HEIC to determine the professional qualification.
In the first case, HEIC determines whether it is possible to recognize the qualification as the professional qualification indicated in your request. If there are no legal obstacles, HEIC passes decision according to the request, in reverse case, HEIC turns down the request.
In the second case, HEIC passes decision by considering all professional qualifications obtainable in Hungary.
HEIC passes decisionwithin60 days when recognising the level of qualification and within 90 days when recognising the professional qualification - if the applicant has provided all necessary documents and there is no need for additional documentation.
When calculating the deadline of the actual procedure the time period elapsing between the request for additional documents and the date when these are received does not count towards it.
The head of HEIC may extend the deadlines for the procedures once by 30 days.